
WeBelongLyrics:Webelong,webelongtothelight/Manytimes,Itriedtotellyou/Manytimes,Icriedalone/AlwaysI'msurprisedhowwellyou/Cut ...,WeBelong歌詞-PatBenatar佩特班納塔ManytimesI'vetriedtotellyouManytimesI'vecriedaloneAlwaysI'msurprisedhowwellyouCutmy ...,FeaturingScandal的第一首歌曲TheWorrior,很能表現PattySmyth強而有力的嗓音,使我想起PatBenatar。想到PatBenatar,我永遠只記得一首歌:WeBelong。,Listen...

Pat Benatar – We Belong Lyrics

We Belong Lyrics: We belong, we belong to the light / Many times, I tried to tell you / Many times, I cried alone / Always I'm surprised how well you / Cut ...

We Belong - Pat Benatar 佩特班納塔

We Belong歌詞- Pat Benatar 佩特班納塔Many times I've tried to tell you Many times I've cried alone Always I'm surprised how well you Cut my ...

[We Belong]:彼此相屬?

Featuring Scandal的第一首歌曲The Worrior,很能表現Patty Smyth強而有力的嗓音,使我想起Pat Benatar。想到Pat Benatar,我永遠只記得一首歌:We Belong。

We Belong - song and lyrics by Pat Benatar

Listen to We Belong on Spotify. Song · Pat Benatar · 1984.

Pat Benatar - We Belong Lyrics

We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder. We belong to the sound of the words, we've both fallen under. Whatever we deny or embrace, for worse or for ...

We Belong - Remastered 2002-歌詞-Pat Benatar (佩特班納塔)

We belong, we belong, we belong together. We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder. We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under

Pat Benatar - We Belong Lyrics

We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder. We belong to the sound of the words, we've both fallen under.

We Belong

Many times I've tried to tell you Many times I've cried alone Always I'm surprised how well You've cut my feelings to the bone Don't want to leave you ...

We Belong

Always, I'm surprised how well you cut my feelings to the bone. Don't wanna leave you, really. I've invested too much time. to give you up that easy.

We Belong 彼此相屬 Pat Benatar [ 中英歌詞]

yingying西洋抒情歌曲#yingying鑽石年代西洋歌曲精選推薦Artist: Pat Benatar Released: 1984 【 All videos on this channel are for non-profit ...